The colors of fall in Brooklyn, New York
Planning to brine your turkey? Consider adding a 1/2 cup of Gypsy Caravan to the brining mixture to impart a light smokey flavor.
Considering a spice rub? Add a tablespoon or two of pulverized
No.19 Lapsang Souchong (grind in spice grinder until finely ground) to the mixture for a delightful smokey nuance.
While the brave souls of the world are hitting the stores, we're planning to prepare a pitcher of Caravan Mary's to enjoy with a Monte Cristo sandwiches.
No.54 Gypsy Caravan
Acknowledging the pescetarians and vegetarians, this year we suggest the No. 82 Phoenix Oolong. The tea's delicate toasted notes and stone fruit/nectarine finish pair beautifully with lighter preparations, especially roasted salmon and cornbread stuffing. It's also excellent with slightly spicy food such as curry.
The beloved flavors of the holiday dessert table: apple and caramel, pumpkin and spice, toasted nuts and maple, cream and chocolate require a selection of teas equally sublime. With the traditional spirit of the holiday in mind may we suggest:
No. 36 Darjeeling Second Flush, a single estate grown tea with a wonderfully tailored and elegant profile. It is particularly excellent with apples, chocolate and chestnuts.
No.42 Little Dickens, a caffeine-free rooibos blend with notes of honey, ginger and chocolate. A favorite with the younger set and the young-at-heart.
No.17 Dragonwell, a traditional Chinese green is an intriguing match for a decadent pecan pie.
And as unabashed lovers of all teas Oolong, we plan on enjoying
No.05 Ali Shan Oolong with our pie.
Après Feast:
Holiday feasting and the general bon vivant decadence of the weekend can admittedly leave one a bit sluggish and possibly unmotivated.
No.12 Le Hammeau, a lovely tisane of lemongrass, verbena, lavender, rose and mint is light, refreshing and invigorating and the antidote to overindulgence.

No.12 Le Hammeau
For palettes that prefer a earthier lean, No. 34 Roasted Kukicha is a light woodsy Japanese green tea of roasted tea stems. Perfectly suited for the fall countryside, the light brew is hydrating, soothing and restorative.
And voila! Weekend covered.
Wishing you a wonderful Holiday!
BELLOCQ Tea Atelier